Welcome to the website for the Swiss Franc LIBOR Class Action Settlement.

If you purchased, sold, held, traded, or otherwise had any interest in Swiss Franc LIBOR-Based Derivatives during the period from January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2011 (the “Class Period”) you may be Affected by Class Action Settlements.

You may be eligible to receive a payment from the settlements reached between Representative Plaintiffs and Credit Suisse Group AG and Credit Suisse AG (collectively, “Credit Suisse”); Deutsche Bank AG and DB Group Services (UK) Ltd. (collectively, “Deutsche Bank”); NEX Group plc, NEX International Limited (f/k/a ICAP plc), ICAP Capital Markets LLC (n/k/a Intercapital Capital Markets LLC), ICAP Securities USA LLC, and ICAP Europe Limited (together, “ICAP”); JPMorgan Chase & Co. (“JPMorgan”); NatWest Markets Plc (f/k/a The Royal Bank of Scotland plc) (“RBS”); TP ICAP plc (f/k/a Tullett Prebon plc and n/k/a TP ICAP Finance plc), Tullett Prebon Americas Corp., Tullett Prebon (USA) Inc., Tullett Prebon Financial Services LLC, Tullett Prebon (Europe) Limited, and Cosmorex AG (collectively, “TP ICAP”); Gottex Brokers SA (“Gottex”); and Velcor SA (“Velcor” and collectively with Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, ICAP, JPMorgan, RBS, TP ICAP, and Gottex, the “Settling Defendants”) totaling $73,950,000 in the above-captioned case.

PLEASE READ THIS WEBSITE AND THE NOTICE CAREFULLY. This website and the Notice explain important rights you may have, including the possible receipt of cash from the Settlements. If you are a member of the Settlement Class, your legal rights will be affected whether or not you act.

The Frequently Asked Questions page of this website has more information on your rights as a Settlement Class Member in this Action.

The following table contains a summary of your rights and options regarding the Settlements. More detailed information about your rights and options can be found in the Settlement Agreements and Distribution Plan, which are available here.

Your Legal Rights and Options in This Settlement
Do Nothing If you do nothing in connection with the Settlements, you will receive no payment from the Settlements and you will be bound by past and any future Court rulings, including rulings on the Settlements, if approved, and the settlement releases. See FAQ 17 & FAQ 18.
File a Claim The only way to receive your share of the Net Settlement Fund is to complete and electronically submit a timely and valid Claim Form to the Settlement Administrator online, here, no later than October 27, 2023, or to mail your completed Claim Form so that it is postmarked no later than October 27, 2023. See FAQ 12.
Exclude Yourself From the Settlements If you wish to exclude yourself from the Settlement Class for the Settlements, you must submit by U.S. first class mail (or, if sent from outside the U.S., by a service that provides for guaranteed delivery within five (5) or fewer calendar days of mailing) or deliver a written request to the Settlement Administrator so that it is received by August 23, 2023. If you exclude yourself, you will not be bound by the Settlements, if approved, or the settlement releases, and you will not be eligible for any payment from the Settlements. See FAQ 19 - FAQ 23.
Object to the Settlements If you wish to object to any of the Settlements, you must file a written objection with the Court and serve copies on Lead Counsel and Settling Defendants’ counsel so that the written objection is received by August 23, 2023. You must be and remain within the Settlement Class in order to object. See FAQ 24 and FAQ 25.
Participate at the Fairness Hearing You may ask the Court for permission to speak about the Settlements at the Fairness Hearing by including such a request in your written objection, which you must file with the Court and serve on Lead Counsel and Settling Defendants’ counsel so that it is received by August 23, 2023. The Fairness Hearing is scheduled for September 27, 2023, at 10 a.m. Eastern Time. See FAQ 28 - FAQ 30.
Appear Through an Attorney You may enter an appearance through your own counsel at your own expense. See FAQ 30.